Wednesday, June 24, 2009

put me on qame.

So. There was this dude by the name of, well let's just call him Punk & I wanted him back then.. Idk if it were his intentions, but he put me on "qame". He tauqht me a lot of shit that I didn't really understand when he was tellin' me, but I completely comprehend EVERYTHING now. At first, I just thouqht it was his way of sayin' he aint want me, but nahh. That's just how I took it? What exactly is a relationship? Do we need titles to define who we are? You don't have to be my boyfriend for me to love you. If WE know what we qot, why brinq unneccessary confusion into the picture? I'm lookin' at this whole "I like you" shit a lot differently now. Why stress shit, that miqht not matter a few months from now? I'm younq, I shouldn't be all depressed & whatnot. I'm not sayin' that females should qo around doqqin' niqqas, but... I mean it's not like I'ma marry one of these dudes I'm messin' w/ from hiqhschool...

Thank you "Punk", I appreciate you. & I still love you. Just a lil' bit tho'... Lol, insider.

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